Sunday, October 24, 2010
New Blog Address
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Two Cool Tools
1. I used this service to access designers for a new corporate logo. You set an "award" and then designers respond in a competition, where you can rate the designs and then choose one (or more). We got about 70 designs to choose from. The winning designer was from Argentina!
2. I am just about to use this site to create a new website. It is "drag and drop" so you can easily maintain it yourself, starting at $8.00/month.
Love to hear about other tools you have used.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Sustainable Ops Management
We take things (food, paper, tchotchkes) and people (attendees, staff, speakers, exhibitors) and transport them. The transformation here is locational, and the challenge for sustainable event professionals is to not only get them there on time but to get them there efficiently, with the least use of scarce resources like fuel, time, and money. This efficiency is the key to sustainability. For example, by choosing locations closest to the majority of people travelling to the event, you cut down on the amount of fuel used to get there (and carbon emissions), the cost of the ticket, and the time of the people travelling. This same sentiment applied to things is the beginning of creating a sustainable supply chain.
The sustainable supply chain also includes social elements (like Fair Trade or minority-owned businesses) but is also concerned with efficiency. That is why the mantra of "buy local" is so important to sustainable events. Once again, you are using scarce resource efficiently to reduce travel time and use of fuels. You are also, of course, stimulating the local economy while getting fresher produce, among other things.
The industry provides venues, and here the activity is building and retrofitting and the transformation is a physical one. LEED buildings are the main example of this. The value to customers includes buildings that enhance future transformations, such as the ability to learn, health of attendees, and of course the efficient use of scarce resources such as energy.
Events are often used to create other transformations -- data to information (for example, the use of social media and virtual meetings) information to knowledge, and knowledge to application (for example, learning how to create a sustainable event and applying these concepts to your next event). It also creates "remote to real transformations" -- by which I mean that someone's electronic or remote presence is transformed into real, personal relationships via a face-to-face meeting. Yes, I just made that phrase up, but this is the intrinsic power of face-to-face. Research I did in collaboration with Ottawa colleague Mitchell Beer in designing a hybrid meeting strategy for a client only reinforced this concept for me.
Operations management impacts all areas of logistic meetings design, but also impacts on organizational strategy. The sustainable events operational strategy should specify how the organization will employ its resources to support its sustainability strategy. This brings sustainable events to the boardroom as a key player in any CSR strategies.
It also means that we can learn from existing OPMA strategies how to better create and position sustainable event strategies. More to come.
Monday, September 13, 2010
The article is called Are We Thinking What I am Thinking? and it is about crowdsourcing.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
The Hug Drug & Event Design
Two great posts caught my eye this week. The first was from Jeff Hurt, a much re-tweeted and Facebook-posted blog on Thinking About How Conference Meeting Design Impacts the Brain. In this post, Jeff argues that people go to conferences for two main things: education and networking. To positively impact attendee experiences, he proposes 3 things:
- Get beyond the perception that meeting professionals don't know about the brain and how to create learning experiences. His theory is that we need to pay more attention to what works, how to engage people, what stimulates their emotions and their minds. You only have had to go to one boring conference too many to realize that this is true.
- Realize that the meetings industry needs to reach out beyond its own borders to see improved results. I completely agree with this one; the meetings industry is extremely incestuous. Sometimes its like trying to have an argument with people who all agree intensely with each other.
- Need to translate biological thought into conference design. Again, I am a big proponent of this, and am designing a conference for an industry association in 2011 that uses some of these premises...along with some others, including gaming..stay tuned!
I had just read this blog and was probably still nodding my head in agreement when another article crossed my virtual desk, this one from Fast Company, called Social Networking Affects Brains Like Falling in Love. For those of you wondering, this is where the drugs come in; the article explored the ability of social networking to produce oxytocin and the subsequent effects on the person generating it. TO BE CLEAR, oxytocin is the "cuddle hormone" (the "hug drug" is my term, given the natural propensities of the events world) not oxycontin, which is the painkiller.
Social networking apparently produces a lot of oxytocin. In fact, in this (it should be pointed out) very unscientific study, it produced the same amount of hormone as is produced by face-to-face interaction. This makes people feel good. Going back to Jeff Hurt's blog, social media may then have a greater impact on conference design than just marketing; it creates a real sense of "family", or network, one of the major reasons people go to conferences. The question for event professionals is how to design an event that uses this ability of social networking to create emotional connection to the event. Emotional connection then builds trust, and trust enables the creation of what my MBA professor Daphne Taras (now the Dean of the Business School at The University of Saskatchewan) calls social capital. (I think of this like a bank account for personal interaction; as more people trust you, the more personal integrity you display, your account balance goes up.)
Interestingly for event professionals, not only social networking creates oxytocin to be produced. So does massage...making a "whole person" concept at conferences even more important to develop (once again..stay tuned for this industry conference in 2011 I am helping to design. Again, more later). This fits in nicely with the concept of sustainable events and corporate social responsibility.
To Jeff Hurt's point, the process of designing conferences needs to take a giant step forward to incorporate fields like biology and psychology. While many event professionals are exceedingly good at what they do, what they do needs to change to become more effective. Perhaps in the future conference programs will have sessions on Using Biology to Create Effective Experiences and not just Networking 101.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Someone Else's Problem?
Deloitte suggests that hospitality companies do background checks and surveys as part of a compliance program, as well as implement policy and training on anti-corruption. Perhaps hotel companies do this type of training in-house, but it has never hit the educational programming of any meetings industry associations I can think of. Perhaps some of these associations should create an SEP track at their annual conferences to raise awareness of these kinds of issues. Logically, this would be part of any CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility tracks, which too often focus on the trendy environmental sustainability issues (important, but only part of the puzzle).
Friday, July 9, 2010
Measuring Social Performance
Integrating social performance measures into your organization through activation of sustainable meetings and events should therefore include an assessment of your organization's mission and scope and attempt to align them.
Impact can be measured through three things:
- Clarity of goals
- Specific measurements
- Milestones
Of course, some things are easier to measure than others. Inputs are often easy to measure: volunteer or staff hours, for example. Outputs are sometimes not as easy to measure; alleviation of hunger in the community, for example, through the donation of left-over meals.
A key recommendation is that measurement needs to be supported by a culture of self-evaluation, and by skilled practitioners, which makes training mandatory for success.
The paper recommends that organizations ask three questions:
- What can we measure? (for example, time and other inputs)
- What do we need to measure to satisfy our stakeholders?
- How can we use measurement to help us achieve our mission?
They also note that small organizations are better off measuring inputs and outputs rather than impact; outcomes and impacts are measurable only on very large scales. For events, unless you are measuring impact across a large number of events, for very large organizations (multi-nationals, for example) or a mega-event like the Olympics, it is probably more logical to measure inputs and outputs and ensure they are aligned with organizational mission and strategy.
I recently wrote an article for ONE+ magazine on the integration of sustainable event standards. One commentator noted that none of the standards was able to help measure "prosperity", one of the key pillars of the triple bottom line. This is possibly because of the same issues the authors of this article have noted, those of scale and diversity of organizations. Expectations and possibilities differ organization by organization.Prosperity of for-profits can be measured by traditional assessments (earnings per share, for example); it is however difficult to measure the prosperity impact of community service events. How does this impact the bottom line of the sponsoring organization? How do you measure in dollar terms the benefits of generating social capital and an enhanced reputation? Another issue is that the whole idea of "prosperity" is tied up not only in the bottom line of an organization but on community prosperity and environmental integrity; organizations use and contribute to the health of social capital and "natural capital".
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Comments Wanted: Draft GRI Event Sector Supplement
All contributions are welcome, so please forward this link to anyone potentially interested. The survey will close on August 3, 2010.
Following public consultation, the working group will review the feedback received and further develop the supplement and indicator protocols. There will be a second opportunity for providing feedback on the final full draft supplement in early 2011.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
From Children to Fathers: The Grand Standard
I did some work for an organization on developing sustainability KPIs (key performance indicators). Some of the KPIs involved reporting on leading and lagging edge indicators to measure the success of actions taken. For example, "satisfaction" is a leading edge indicator; the satisfaction level of partners, customers, members, volunteers can be viewed as a predictive indicator of possible revenue streams.
Actual revenue streams are an example of a lagging edge indicator. It is lagging edge since it is measured in absolute terms (money), and is likely a product of activities that you and the organization have already engaged in.
So, back to Warren Levy and The Grandchildren Standard. His premise is simple: CSR is a leading edge indicator, as it represents the things an organization does to reach a long term target of sustainability. Sustainability itself is the lagging indicator. You don't have it until you have it. Levy argues for a change in how business views itself: "Sustainability requires changing business and political decision-making to the 'grandchildren standard' from today's pervasive 'no tomorrow' standard".
If you read this blog, you will know I am enrolled in an MBA program. Last night, a graduate of the program happened to drop by: Brett Wilson, a member of the wildly popular Canadian TV show Dragon's Den and self-made billionaire (yes, that is BILLIONS). He spoke about his business successes and how they have shaped his current priorities. One of his yardsticks when evaluating new projects happens to be "what would my children think of that"? This strikes me as an actual business application of The Grandchildren Standard. Its very similar to Seventh Generation's creed, the Great Law of the Iroquois Federation: "In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations".
My own application of this could be called The Grandfather Standard. In fact, my father, but grandfather to four. We were talking about the roots of this recession. His opinion is that it is all about greed. He lived through the Great Depression, and he believes that businesses used to know what they were there for. To make a profit, yes, but to support the community too.
The point? Develop leading edge programs through your events that have sustainable, lagging edge results: another great reason to embrace new sustainable event measurement (APEX), management (BS8901) and reporting standards (GRI).
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Event Measurement Tool
There are even some proprietary tools in the industry, such as Hilton's HER (Hilton Environmental Reporting) which focuses on environmental impact.
In May, a new tool sprang up specifically for events and purporting to measure the triple bottom line of people, planet and prosperity (environment, economic and community impact). You can see if at It has been tested in the UK market on several events.
Anyone familiar with more? Has anyone used these ones?
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Mr. Roboto Goes to Washington
It also has an interesting possibility; like a personal avatar, it could allow disabled participants to "attend" events. Another advantage? It doesn't need a hotel room, so no volcano-imposed vacations that reduce productivity, increase costs, and cause very-human-related stress.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
The Third Space
Venue design: Focus on sustainable design
- Natural light, natural finishes are important
- The generation values collaboration, so more break-out spaces and fewer
general session spaces- It values networking, so more social spaces
- Access to technology built-in
- Need to design a visually stimulating environment
Event design: Focus on collaboration, technology and sustainability
- Fewer plenaries, more breakouts, possibly along the lines of the
"unconference" where attendees set their own topics- More use of technology
- "Green" meetings paramount
- Need to create an emotionally stimulating environment
Destination: More companies are evaluating travel policies based on potential
carbon taxes; Gen Y is also more aware of impact of travel on environment
- Regional meetings for easier access with a lower environmental
footprintTo a Gen Y-er, people, sustainability, atmosphere and technology are paramount. This is the new marketplace. How are you changing your strategy to accommodate it?
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Steel Doesn't Cry
HOWEVER... I have a few thoughts on the "people" part of the equation. I am completing an MBA program, and taking a course on human resource management. Why are people so important, and such a complex element, to the sustainability considerations of organizations? My professor shared her thoughts on this:
"Because steel doesn't cry".
What does this have to do with meetings/events?
Steel doesn't cry. People do.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Door or Mirror?
Friday, May 14, 2010
The Grinch Effect
This is a hard question and is, I think, at the root of our attachment to "things" in the meetings and events industry. Things become memories. Is there another way to preserve a memory without a thing, thus decreasing our environmental footprint and our economic obligations through the supply chain? Become like Dr. Seuss's Grinch, whose revelation was:
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Sustainable Events, CSR & The War for Talent
- From Coro Strandberg, a CSR and HR Management Checklist
- Industry Canada: The Basics of Integrating CSR in HR Management
- Massachusetts Business Roundtable: CSR and Employee Recruitment and Retention: A Primer
- Timberland uses service events as a core pillar in its CSR strategy
Interestingly, there is speculation that CSR programs are particularly effective at retaining women.
Events, as a primary method used by organizations to communicate to its workforce, can be a key element of an effective CSR strategy. Not only can they help engage talent and build a sense of team, they can also engage the community -- sustainably, of course.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Myth & Meetings in The Age of Cassandra: Part 2
- Achieving BS 8901 certification means that the meeting/event is sustainable. FALSE. British Standard 8901 is a great tool that creates a sustainable management system for events. It makes it POSSIBLE to have a sustainable event that integrates environmental, social and economic sustainability. However, the people behind the implementation must ensure that their scope, values and objectives support sustainability, or the event simply has a management system with no sustainable results.
- Sustainable meetings are all about "green". FALSE. Admittedly, in these days of oil spills and global climate change, environmentally sustainable meetings are top of mind. And should be. But true sustainability means more than that; it integrates the community and the economy with the environment. After last year's TARP scare in the US coupled with the AIG effect, economic sustainability of meetings should mean that not only are you meeting your budgetary goals, but that the meeting/event you execute helps achieve the strategic objectives of your organization, helping economic sustainability in the long term. Events that identify and engage community stakeholders build goodwill and reinforce economic sustainability for the future.
- Sustainable meetings cost more. FALSE. While it is true that some elements of creating a sustainable meeting do cost more, it is also true that other elements reduce costs. It's all about balance and identifying your priorities. For example, reducing or eliminating bottled water at an event will save money. Holding an event closer to the majority of delegates will save money, as will reducing or eliminating things like trinkets and registration bags. It is also about long-term and short term organizational goals. If you spend money developing community projects in the short term, your investment in the community builds goodwill and more dedicated consumers in the long term.
- Sustainable meetings/events start with values, leadership commitment and policy. TRUE. It starts at the top. What are the values of the organization? Does it have any? Do those values include sustainability in any form? The commitment of leadership should be evident in statements and in the creation and application of formal policy in the areas of environmental impact, community involvement, human rights and anti-corruption.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Meeting & Myth in the Age of Cassandra Part 1
This is not to say that there have not been Cassandras among us, quietly or not-so-quietly telling the industry about change and then doing something about it. CSR is, after all, a business "mega-trend" , like globalization, according to The Sustainability Imperative, a paper in the Harvard Business Review by David Lubin and Daniel Esty. Daniel Esty is the co-author of Green to Gold: How Smart Companies Use Environmental Strategy to Innovate, Create Value, and Build Competitive Advantage.
So here are some Cassandras in the meetings/events industry that you should watch for best practices (in no particular order):
- MeetGreen. This company, headed by Amy Spatrisano and Nancy Wilson, was a pioneer in environmentally sustainable meetings.
- The Olympics: The 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver (led by Ann Duffy) and the London 2012 Games (led by Phil Cummings) are examples of the world's most high-profile sporting events with sustainability top of mind.
- Sustainable Events Ltd is run by Fiona Pelham, the driving force behind British Standard 8901 soon to become ISO 20121
- COP 15. The climate meeting of our times produced the Copenhagen Sustainable Meetings Protocol, in partnership with MCI under Guy Bigwood
- Global Reporting Initiative. This well-respected global organization is producing an event sector supplement to assist sustainability reporting in the industry.
- APEX/ASTM/EPA. This group is collaborating on a set of green meetings standards
- Live Earth. This well-known concert event has a how-to guide for sustainable events
- Fairmont Hotels. The greening began in 1990, well before "green meetings" became a catch phrase in the industry
Monday, May 10, 2010
Sustainable Events and Human Rights
It was Lord Kelvin who uttered the words "If you can not measure it, you can not improve it", which became more famously paraphrased as "what gets measured gets managed". Lord Kelvin knew a thing or two about measurement; he is the guy who put his name on "absolute zero" and on the Kelvin temperature scale. (Of course, he ALSO thought that heavier-than-air flying machines were impossible, just to show that all of us make mistakes). This maxim holds true for human rights -- and so, let's talk.
I have reviewed many of the international protocols and agreements on human rights, including the United Nations Global Compact and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. From this review, I have identified areas the meetings/event industry should be aware of in regard to human rights:
- Hours of work and fair remuneration (equal pay for equal work). This might be less applicable in North America and Europe than in developing areas, but keep in mind the plight of the Hyatt housekeepers last year, which, if not a perfect example, is at least in the ballpark.
- The supply chain. Ever wonder where those trinkets, registration bags and ribbons are made, and by who? A lot of products are made overseas, and there is the possibility that they were made with child or forced labour.
- The region you are meeting in. What are the human rights policies of the areas you are meeting in? Not to say you shouldn't meet there, but inserting a contract clause or having suppliers sign a code of conduct is a good idea.
- The environment and human rights. What are the environmental policies of the region you meet in? Everyone has the right to clean air and clean water.
- Freedom of association. What is the policy of the region/country on freedom of association? Can labour unionize? Is there political and social freedom?
I suggest that you take a look at your organization and see where your meeting might intersect a human rights issue. Create a policy that might have these areas:
- Non-discrimination
- No forced labour
- Anti-corruption policies
- Health and safety
- Fair/equal remuneration
- Hours of work
- Freedom of association
- Environment and human rights
Sustainable events begin with "people, planet and profit". Awareness, discussion and a commitment not to be complicit in human rights abuses further the progress of sustainable events.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Strategic CSR for Sustainable Events
"Selling" CSR is the wrong way to look at it, although some organizations might make the mistake of thinking that telling people about, and not actually implementing it, it is enough. Those are possibly the same organizations who confuse marketing/communications with the implementation of strategy, or worse, with strategy itself. The pay-off comes when an organization looks at its strategy and at its unique position, and marries these with its CSR strategy. Then the pay-off becomes noticeable in operational efficiency, in better customer attraction and retention, and in the creation of goodwill in the community.
For example, look at FedEx. It was experiencing problems in many developing areas of the world, problems that were impacting its profitability, such as congestion in major cities, safety of its drivers, and loss of competitiveness. It then created a partnership with the National Network for Sustainable Urban Mobility in Mexico, the purpose being to develop sustainable transportation projects designed to improve mobility and safety. It also helps to cut down on smog and other pollution, and so has an environmental, social and economic impact. This is an example of strategic CSR in action -- it benefits the business AND the community.
Meetings and events are major communications vehicles for organizations, and are thus perfectly placed to implement strategic CSR initiatives. As meeting professionals, start the process by:
- What is the mission of your organization/client?
- What unique service does it offer?
- What are the points of intersection between the organization and the community?
- What specific actions can you take at your event where your unique skills meet the needs of the community and make both more sustainable?
One of the best examples of this intersection of events and the community I found when trolling the web is that of the American Mortgage Bankers Association. They created events where they partnered with Habitat for Humanity, since the mission for both organizations revolved around affordable housing.
Sustainable events are bigger than just making your meeting "green". They are powerful tools to visibly implement CSR strategy and make both your organization and the community more sustainable.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Volcanic Wake-Up Call
While we won't know for a while what the total impact of this event had on meetings/events, I propose the meetings industry take this as a wake-up call, not because I think the volcano will continue to erupt (it might), but because I can think of other situations that would have a similar, if less spectacularly photogenic, impact on travel. And travel is, as one industry colleague says, the Achilles Heel of the meetings industry. Everything depends on travel, including not only getting the delegates/attendees to the site, but also getting things to the food, trinkets and speakers, to name only three. (For more on this topic, I recently wrote an article on mobility in the industry: On the Move )
"Peak oil" is a term that isn't all that familiar to the meetings industry. Yet. Fiona Pelham of Sustainable Events Ltd and I did a session at an industry conference last year, based on the Transition Town model, that introduced this concept and potential impact that less oil -- or, in the short term, more expensive oil -- would have on the industry. The current business model for meetings/events is based on cheap oil. Everyone remembers what happened two years ago when oil peaked around $150/barrel; travel diminished as fewer people could afford to travel, and several airlines folded because the cost of fuel is a major cost item, currently number two after labour costs. However, according to IATA, in 2007, for the first time ever, fuel costs superseded labour as the number one operating cost. It doesn't take a huge stretch of the imagination to see that expensive oil would have a far more long-lasting impact on the meetings industry than a volcanic eruption. This is a business sustainability issue.
The volcanic eruption in Iceland is a wake-up call for the industry to do some business forecasting that includes situations of (permanently?) reduced travel. This is important for these reasons:
- Continuity of business
- Risk management
- Assessment of alternatives while not in crisis situation
- Strategic direction taking into account global drivers
- Sustainability of business
- Relevance to customer base
So, Eyjafjallajokull! (That's Icelandic for "wake-up call").
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
In Pursuit of Elegant Meetings
May argues that "the goal of elegance is to maximize effect with minimum means". Now, we all know what doing more with less usually means -- longer hours, less pay, fewer resources, and we can probably all agree that the dominant thought we have when we hear this is one bordering on despair. This isn't May's argument, though. Instead, he presents three ideas to do more with less: symmetry, seduction, and subtraction. Here are my ideas on how to apply these three ideas to sustainable meetings.
Symmetry ("simple rules create effective order"): May argues that symmetry derives its power from the core values of an organization. Instead of acres of rules and regulations, a core value of "sustainability" would mean that meeting manager could implement this however they thought worked best ("think global, act local" might be the best summary of this idea). An example of this kind of symmetry is "reverse logistics" applied to meetings, that is, finding an end use for a material before its purchase or creation. A great example of this that I use in my presentations is that of the WorldSkills competition when it was in my hometown of Calgary last year. This event, the "Olympics of trades", focuses on 44 trades in 6 major skill areas, and what they did to make this sustainable was brilliant and easily replicated: they found an end-use for the products being showcased. For example, the cabinetry competition created cabinets which were then donated to Habitat for Humanity. The food from the cooking competition was donated to a local homeless organization. The graphic arts competition designed a poster then used by a charity. Here we have symmetry, simplicity and social impact created by following the principle of "sustainability".
Subtraction ("restraint and removal creates value"): It is so easy to do what we have always done, and this is often evident at meetings. Annual conferences, especially, are guilty of perpetuating this cycle of sameness --- contact favourite supplier, order registration bag, stuff bag, you get the idea. Asking ourselves "what don't we need"? is especially useful when trying to reduce our environmental impact and improve our economic well-being. Both are essential elements of sustainable meetings, and both help the pursuit of elegance.
Seduction ("limiting information to create intrigue"): Here's where I must deviate from Mr. May by offering a different definition for "seduction": "Share with stakeholders". No intrigue here. A recent survey by McKinsey entitled How Companies Manage Sustainability indicates that building and managing corporate reputations through sustainability was a key driver. Meetings are primary communications vehicles and can effectively showcase sustainability in action. So seduce. And here is one seduction where you should kiss and tell.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Skill Set
- Establishing the value of sustainability
- Dealing with issues related to climate change
- Building support among stakeholders
- Financing sustainability activities
Not really anything different, then, between sustainability professionals and sustainable meeting/event professionals in terms of key challenges. We are part of the brotherhood -- or sisterhood, as anyone in the events industry knows that about 80% of us are women. The top-ranking hard skills needed by sustainability professionals were listed as:
- Strategic Planning
- Systems thinking
- Project management
Now, sustainable meetings/events professionals have number three down, no problem...but what about items 1 and 2? How good are many of us, really, when it comes to strategic thinking and systems thinking? How many of you are --right now -- scratching your head and wondering what exactly is meant by "systems thinking"? This might be an opportunity for improvement.
The top soft skills were:- Communication with stakeholder
- Problem solving
- Inspiring and motivating others
One thing is certain; we are good communicators. But do we communicate with the right people to ensure that our events are living proof of sustainability, and that they create sustainable transformation in our attendees, our organization, and our communities? Do our events help to inspire others to create sustainable change? And are we as adept as we could be at feeding solutions forward to be better at problem solving in the future?
The report also mentioned a white paper produced by the International Institute for Sustainable Development. They listed the tools, skills and beliefs for sustainability professionals. Using this as inspiration, I created my own list for sustainable event professionals:
Tools:- APEX/ASTM Green Meetings Standards (measurement, logistics)
- ISO 20121 sustainability in event management (management)
- Global Reporting Initiative event sector supplement (reporting)
- Personal networks
- Social media (like Facebook or Twitter)
- Green Meeting Industry Council
- Country-specific standards, like Canada's Z2010
Hard Skills:
- Project management (building on a core skill)
- Operational excellence
- Knowledge management
- Network management
- Supply chain management
- Financial analysis/budgeting
- Technology savvy
Soft Skills/Belief Systems
- Inspiring and motivating others
- Ethics
- Respect for environment and community
- Influencing strategy
- Understanding the value of face-to-face
- Knowing meetings transform human relationships and communities
Sustainable event professionals have an opportunity to create transformational change in our communities. Let's make it happen.